I <3 NY

Here I am in New York City for the summer. Check out What's going on!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

First Night ;-)

My first Night in NYC was great. I worked and ran around the school and just did all kinds of craziness all day, on top of having JET lag, I was really tired. I had been trying to call Bri all day, no answer. I fell asleep around 8pm Wednesday night and my phone rang around 11. It was Bri. She said that they were going out and wanted to know if I wanted to join them. I was like no, I'm really tired, it’s been a long day, and I just wanna go to sleep. Well 20 after I hung up the phone I got to thinking. YOU ARE IN NYC YOU IDIOT, GET OUT OF THE BED!!!!!!! So I did :-p! I got dressed and made my way down town. I met up with Bri and this guy named Nathan that was staying at the App loft, and then we eventually picked up another, Courtney, who is also staying at the App loft. We had SO MUCH FUN! We went bar hopping and played pool and just hung out around where the loft was located. (Approx between 19th-23rd and Lexington Ave and 3rd Ave) I was great! I didn't get home until about 10 after 4 in the morning, and I had to get up at 7:45 am to work in the morning. I woke up with the WORST headache, but went to work anyway. It was so much fun though; I wouldn't change it for the world!


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