I <3 NY

Here I am in New York City for the summer. Check out What's going on!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hmmm let's see...

Ok, so I haven't really done much of anything at all since Sat... like no really.

Sunday I stayed in the bed all day, by choice, and watched 10 hours of Alias, my new addiction!

Monday, I worked a double so Mel could go and hang out with her friend. But, I had lunch with Conor, so that was nice. And then after I got off work, I went home and watched 2 episodes of Alias and went to bed

Tuesday I worked a normal 10 hour day and then went out and had drinks at the heights with Lisa the hotness... that was pretty sweet, she is freakin awesome!!

So yeah, other than that, nothing to really write home about... just kinda taking it easy this week. But my family is coming TOMORROW MORNING. I am so super stoked about that!! Other than that, just some clever randomness here and there.