I <3 NY

Here I am in New York City for the summer. Check out What's going on!!!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Museum Mile

Today was pretty low key. I only worked from 8-5 today; i just wouldn't bear to make myself work another 12-14 hour day today. Not after this past weekend! But I came home and just kinda laid on the bed to chill out and relax a second. Well that turned into an hour nap. I woke up and just really wanted to do something. I called Bri and she was just really kinda tired, she had a long day ;-). So i signed on and just kinda asked around to see what everyone was doing for dinner. Then I imed Stephanie and she told me that she was going to Museum Mile and that it was starting like right then. She asked me if I wanted to go and showed me the website... HELL YEAH. It was SO MUCH FUN! Stephanie and I lost each other on the subway at 96th. It was just really funny. She thought I got on the subway to go back uptown on the local train. (we were suppose to be going on the express train back uptown to central park north). Well she got on the train, and I didn't. I waited for her to come back for a few trains... then i just got on the express train and went back up town. I tracked her cell down and FINALLY got a hold of her, and we met up. It was just really funny. Then we walked down to 105th st where all the crazy museum fun was going on. There were 9 museums open to the public. We only went to three... but it was nice to be in the AC b/c it was SO HOT. The one that I really wanted to see was at the MET. There is this exhibit made by Chanel. It was really freakin awesome. It was a exhibit that displayed all of her clothes (the really expensive ones) through out Miss CoCo Chanel's history and her jewelry and quotes all over the wall. It was set up really really really well. I was really impressed.


Then we went down town to get some dinner... but that didn't really work out as well as we planned. Nothing was open and we couldn't decide on anything. HAHA. So then we just went back up town and ate at Ollies. Then I went home and the rest of the night was absolute crap. But that’s about it. New Day tomorrow


  • At 6/10/2005 2:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    CJ! You're the best!!! Thanks for a great evening. It was fun!


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