I <3 NY

Here I am in New York City for the summer. Check out What's going on!!!

Thursday, June 09, 2005


So let me tell you what happened to me last night...

I went home yesterday evening after I got off of work and took a little nap. Well around 8:00 -ish Bri calls me and says lets get a drink... SURE! No problem!

Well we met up around Columbus circle and looked for a bar to just have a drink in... didn't really see any. We walked to Time Square and took the subway downtown to Bleeker St. We walked down Bleeker to the hot bar spots to OFF THE WAGON. We went there for Bri's birthday. It's a really cool atmosphere. And it was ladies night and Bri could get any drink that she wanted for $2 (PS - where is mine? I don’t see signs in ANY bars say "Guys' Night" BOO! HAHA) I had 3 tequila sunrises and Bri did too. I also ordered wings b/c I hadn't had dinner yet, they were deel-ie. And then this waitress came over to us and asked us if we wanted to try a free shot of Jim Bean and Apple Pucker - it was a promotion they were doing. So already I had all that... but by that time I was only slightly buzzing. Bri and I then decided that we wanted to change locations, so we did. We walked up the street to "1849" - another place we went to for Bri's birthday. There wasn't much going on there, so we decided to leave. Bri had been to a bar, I don't remember the name. All I know is it was off 19th and Lexington... so we walked... I walk EVERYWHERE; I swear I am going to have the best legs at the end of the summer. We got there and met these 4 guys that were there. That’s when things start to get fuzzy... I know that I bought 3 vodka and cranberries and then one of the guys bought Bri and me our drinks. I know that he bought me 2 and then he bought 2(maybe 3) rounds of shots for all 6 of us. They were all celebrating b/c of the guys had just proposed to his girlfriend or something? I don't really remember. Well I think it was around 2 am and I was like... I have to go. AND THAT'S WHEN IT JUST WENT BAD! So I left Bri and got on the Subway - I had NO idea where the subway was, and I don't really remember how I got on it... but I do remember seeing the uptown train station. I honestly don't remember a lot of that part of the night. So yeah, drunk me walking around NY! HAHA.... WELL I finally got on the train after vomiting in the trashcan before getting on. The train was doing its thing and I remember there being a good number of people on the train at whatever time it was... late. And then it hit me... I AM going to be sick, and the train was still moving. I was like SHIT!!! So I take off my CUTE BANANA REPBULIC STRIPED POLO... and put it over my mouth and THREW UP all in it!!! After being mortified and embarrassed to NO END I got off on the next stop, which was 66th street. I threw up again in the first trash can I found. I have no idea why... but I thought, I can't ride a train, I’m getting sick. SO IIIIIII thought it was a GENIOUS idea to WALK HOME! OK - I was at 66th street, I live at 116th - that’s 50 BLOCKS!!! That’s 2.5 MILES! So here I am... like around 3am, maybe... I never looked at the time... WALKING 2.5 MILES UPTOWN HOME, holding a shirt COVERED in my own vomit. But no... wait there's mooooore. I thought it would be a fantabulous idea to CALL my mother (whose birthday is today) and wish her a Happy Birthday!! Then I called Conor, and Sarah, and a couple others... I only know this b/c I checked my phone and saw that I called these people... I have NO recollection of calling anyone or what I said! Then when I FINALLY got to around 113th street, covered in sweat and hot and STILL ALIVE, I'm walking and I'm in the home stretch... I hear 2 male voices very aggressively (well in my drunken state, it sounded aggressive) Say "EXCUSE ME SIR" and ignored it... one said it again, but louder... then another screamed it, "EXCUSE ME SIR." By that time, I could see 114th street, that’s where Carmen Hall is located (that's where I work). So I TOOK OFF in a MAD DASH - I don't think I've ever run that fast in my freakin life! I ran right into Carmen Hall, NEVER once looking back. I waited in the lobby area to see if anyone was behind me... but no one ever came. Then I remember RUNNING my ass to East Campus, where I live. I don't remember much more after that. Don't remember going to bed or anything. But I got up, SOMEHOW at 7:30 and showered and got ready for work. Now I don't really remember getting ready this morning b/c I was VERY HUNG over, like whoa. And STILL VERY DRUNK. The day has been going so slow. But my head ache is gone and I think I’m done getting sick. Y'ALL.... I am SO ASHAMED of myself and THANKFUL to be alive - REALLY - White Kid living in Harlem - Yeah that’s me! What the hell was I thinking...? I just... hmm... wow... really... i don't know what I was thinking.

But yeah, that was my INSANE night last night... from what I can remember!
CJ is such a cool boss. I love him He might not see this post. shh


  • At 6/10/2005 2:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Haha, good job, V! ^^ CJ! You're alive!!! Yay!!! Becareful next time! What did you do with that shirt?! You should slap it at someone that makes you mad, muahaha. *Evil grin* Whip-lash them with your vomit...Hahahaha.

  • At 6/10/2005 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ok, you are completely insane. i would just like to say that. also, i think that i might have laughed if you ended up upstate or in new jersey or something the next day but that's just scary. you must be nuts to drink that much! watch yourself babe!


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