I <3 NY

Here I am in New York City for the summer. Check out What's going on!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Funny morning

So this morning, Conor was coming back into the city from jersey. He and I have done a LOT of talking on the phone and online this week. Our conversations are just really hilarious; all the time... it’s funny... like haha.

Any who... this morning was funny...

I was going to surprise him and go down to Penn station and meet him outside the subway stop that he would have to take to get to Columbia (the 1 2 3)..... Any way... his train was running late, b/c he was supposed to get here around 10:30... So after waiting there for an hour and 20 min... he sends me a text message that says "OK I'm in the station waiting for subway." I was like...what, noooooooooo... how did I miss him... so I RUUUUUN to the uptown subway train RIGHT as the train was leaving the platform... and then I had to wait for another, and then i sent him a text that said..."I just left penn station... I was going to be fun and meet you there." and by the time I got to Columbia.. he left me a voice mail that said he felt really bad. So it was just really funny. Stuff like that always happens to me. HAHA

But we eventually met up and hung out all day and got lunch and messed around the city. Great afternoon, then I had to come into work until 11..but thats ok, I still love my job and I gotta earn the cash, ya mean?


Tuesday, May 24, 2005


So not much has really gone on in the past couple days. I moved into my apt and I LOVE my roommate for the summer, he is an awesome person. I went out with him and one of his friends last night to the heights again and him and I really bonded and got to know a little more about each other. I've worked really odd hours the past couple days. It's my week to work the evening shift so that also makes me the manager on duty. So lots of phone calls at night from the staff. But that’s ok, b/c I LOOOOOVE them all. After work tonight, Nigel (my roommate) who was also working the night shift at the conference desk, we went to eat a nice juicy burger at a local place down the street, at 11:00 at night. And the fun thing was, it is the restaraunt they film for the show Seinfeld... HOW COOL, right? So that makes me somewhat famous? HAHA, just kidding

And for the record - it's "TOM'S RESTRAUNT" ;-)

And for some ODD reason, I keep sleeping past NOON... wtf? That was pretty much it, just lots of work related stuff going on right now. Definitely check back later... it's going to be a GREAT WEEKEND!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

It's only been 4 days and it just keeps getting better!


OK, this city... built for me! I think every second that I have spent here so far has been unbelievably AWESOME!

I've worked SO MUCH, and it's ok because I LOVE IT! A couple nights ago I went out with Bri, Nathan, and Niomee (not sure if I spelled her name right). We walked, and I do mean WALKED, all over midtown and downtown (around the village) for most the night going to bars and hanging out around there. It was fun to be able to just walk around New York with fun people and just be in that "New York state of mind." After that, around 1 am, we went to Roxy in Time Square for some cheese cake. For those of you that don't know what Roxy is... it's like the Cheesecake factory but, in my opinion, 5 times better. They give you the BIGGEST slices of cheesecake in the world and they are SOOOOOO GOOD! Then from there I went home b/c I live pretty far up on the island of Manhattan and it takes about 20 min to get home from times square/42nd street (ps - I live off of 116th st)

Yesterday and last night totally rocked my socks!!!I worked in the morning, helping Lindsay out at the conference desk, getting things all situated for some wedding parties we had coming in and checking out this weekend. Well that morning I met Laura and Conor. Laura is someone that I have been talking to back and forth via email about Columbia and stuff about the area b/c she was the ACUHO-I intern for Columbia last summer. So unexpected to meet her, but she was in NY visiting kids from Columbia. This guy named Conor was also with her and the 4 of us (Lindsay included) just chatted for about an hour and then I went home to NAP! I took like a 4 hour nap, I was dead tired. I got up, took a shower and become very bored. Laura had given me her cell phone number and her and Conor invited me to go out with them later that night. So I said, yeah that'd be cool. Well I called her and they were sitting out on the lawn outside of Hartly Hall and I went out to join them after I got off the phone with my family. SIDE NOTE - MY WHOLE FAMILY IS COMING TO NYC JUNE 23rd AND I AM SO SUPER EXCITED!!!!! So when I got out there, Conor and Laura were sitting out there and with them were two girls that I work with, Kristina and Nicole. They are AWESOME girls. We stayed out there for about an hour and then went and ate lunch at this awesome little sub shop down the street from the school. We all then went back to Nicole and Kristina's apt and ate and hung out for a while and watched Sex and the City. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Then about at about 9:30 we were like... LET’S GO OUT. So we all got ready and pre gamed and another girl named Mel and some guy named Austin joined us and we all went to this FREAKIN AWESOME bar near Columbia called Heights. I bought 2 margaritas and a tequila sunrise and my bar tab was $10!!!!! We all sat around having drinks and making great conversation. It was awesome. Conor and I really started talking a lot and really getting to know each other and a little flirty. He is SO NICE!!! So sweet and totally all about me and wanted to know more about where I was from and my back ground. We just some GREAT conversation! :-) I LOVE THE PEOPLE I WORK WITH and I LOVE THIS CITY! They are all really awesome, and I have just met So many GREAT people. It was just an ALL around GREAT night with an AWESOME ending!So now I am about to go upstairs (I just moved into my apt in East Campus Hall) and have dinner with Kristina and Nicole, we're getting Chinese and watching desperate house wives. My apt is so awesome. I live on the 16th floor and I get a great view of the upper west side and all of Columbia’s campus. IT’S PRETTY! It would be nicer if it wasn't raining today. My roommate is really cool too. He is nice and we just met like 12 hours ago and have already made plans to hang out. We just really get along really well!

I <3>