I <3 NY

Here I am in New York City for the summer. Check out What's going on!!!

Saturday, June 04, 2005


So my roommate and I went to this place downtown called Dallas BBQ. And on the menu was "Carolina BBQ" and i just wanted to get it to see how close to Carolina BBQ it really was. I wanted to see which kind they thought was Carolina BBQ, but i didn't b/c i don't like BBQ. However, the interesting thing was their choices of sides...? The choices were Fries, Baked Potato, or Rice. OK, now for all my NC people... you KNOW that these are NOT what you serve with BBQ! HAHAHA... it's coleslaw and hush puppies, that’s IT! RIGHT?!?! ;-) sorry NY, close but no cigar! But it was really good and the drinks were deel-ie!!!! After dinner Nigel and I went down to 21st and 8th Ave to the biggest Sex Shop I have EVER SEEN called "The Blue Store!" It was FREAKIN HALARIOUS!!! Now for all my Boone people, take expressions' "back room" and multiply it by 20 and add a LOT more movies (about 3/4th gay) and a more eclectic mix of "sex toys" and "clothing" - but who the hell pays $50 for a porno - NEGATORY. I also noticed toward the back of the room was a dark hallway with a sign above it that said "Peep Shows." I immediately thought, OMG! The whole time we were in there i saw a lot of people go in and different people come out. It was... interesting. Nigel and I wanted to explore just to see what was behind the mysterious line... but i was TOO SCARED. Y'ALL - YOU KNOW PEOPLE WERE IN THERE HAVING SEX AND I DID NOT WANT TO PARTAKE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA And then Nigel and I were standing near it and i was looking at it, and this one guy came up to us and said "Honey, you know you want to go back there, go 'head and take a look." YIKES!!!! Something else that was REALLY funny about this place - they had a small wall where you could purchase real movies, but only on VHS. HILLIE!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I have no conception of time in NY

I don't know if it's the fact that work 239872385717678712356 hours a week or if it's just NY... but the time is FLYING BY ME! I totally realized that I hadn't talked to or seen Bri in FOREVER, so her and I met up for dinner on Tuesday. We also met up with Erin, who is a girl that we know who graduated from App that worked at the loft last summer doing an internship that now lives in NY and yeah...lol... anyway.. she came with us! We went to dinner at Ollies around Columbus Circle around 61st and Broadway. After dinner we went to do a little bit of shopping off 59th and Lexington... I HAAAAAAD to go to H&M. You people just don't seem to understand my addiction to that store. The clothes ROCK MY SOCKS and they are NOT expensive!! IT'S GREAT. But I bought more dress clothes, b/c i needed them. I have to dress up for work EVERYDAY, and I am running out of ideas and wardrobe... so what do we do... buy more!!! :-D Who needs laundry... right... not me! After that, i headed back up town and went home.... to be honest, it's been such a long time, i really don't remember what I did that night, but I am sure it involved alcohol! HAHAHA

CrAzY DaYs and Bad Drag Queens!

OK, so I know I suck hard core for not updating the blog. So, I'm sorry to all of you that keep asking me about it, I've been working A LOT! From Sunday May, 29th to Sunday, June 5th I will have worked 93 hours! So needless to say I've not really been in front of the computer with a free moment in a while.... so with that said - UPDATES:

So on Sunday, it was really sad... I had to be to work at 8am, so Conor woke up all early and everything to say goodbye to me before he left to go back home. So watching him walk away after a FANOMINAL weekend was just really hard for me to cope with! It's ok though b/c I get to see him on Friday. He's just one of those guys that makes you happy... the kind that as soon as you think about them, you get this shit grin on your face and everyone around you is like "What the hell are you thinking?" HAHAHA!

That whole day was intern check-in and it was a CRAZY DAY! It was really fun though b/c all the staff worked together all day. There are pictures of it online you can look at everyone on there. There was a cook out and everyone worked really hard. I love my staff b/c everyone gives 110% in everything they do and they just work really hard and they are so quick to help! IT'S SO GREAT! I THINK YOU ALL ARE AB-FAB!!!!! :-D

After intern housing had calmed down for a bit, we had all planned to go out... however, it didn't exactly work out like that. Everyone backed out except for Nigel and me. So we went out. We went to this local gay bar for a few "after long day/chill-laxin" drinks called Suite. There weren't a lot of people in there but the few that were a little old. It was funny. But Nigel knew the bar tender and the cool thing was... He plays/played Simba in the on tour Broadway musical The Lion King. He was pretty cute. (Not as cute as Conor though ;-)) Well after a few drinks they had this "DRAG QUEEN" perform. S/he performed three songs... the first one was My Prerogative by Brittany Spears. Now, for those of you that don't know, Brittany Spears' number one fan ever is my roommate Nigel. And this drag queen was AWFUL! s/he didn't know all the words to any of the songs and s/he could not dance and did not have good dance moves at all. Nigel and I were GREATLY disappointed! We were just like... what are you doing, NO! After that though, we just went to bed... after a long day... it was DEF time for sleep!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Fun Friday - When can I do it again!?!?!

OK, so here's what happened...

SO as you may have read already Conor was in town, so that already made it a GREAT weekend. I haven’t really done anything that great and exciting this week at all because I have been working the late shift and the housing conference desk. I start work at 1:00 in the afternoon and I don't get off when I close the office at 11:00PM. So there didn't leave much room for going out during the week. I did go out every now and then to the Heights with my roommate Nigel throughout the week. Him and I also just hung out at the flat during the week... it was a chill week outside of work.


I was able to get the evening off on Friday, thanks to my great co-worker, Erin ;-). That’s the day that Conor and I went on a date...

It was just suppose to be dinner and a movie, but it turned into an 11 hour date that started with lunch and a walk down to 96th street and in central park and down Madison ave on the east side

*~*~*~*~*~*~*SIDE NOTE - This part of the east side is where the RICH people live in NY, so it is where all the really expensive stores are. It was just really cool to do that. It made you feel like you were high society. HAHA, i don't know, it was just funny.

Ok... After walking from 116th street and to the other side of the island and down to 40something Street... we took the subway down to South Sea Port because I have never been and walked around the stores there. It was also interesting too because it is Fleet Week here in NYC currently and there are sailors ALL OVER MANHATTAN!!! Oh em gee!! So there were all these ships and stuff lined up all over the place and other boats... it was just really cool to see a bunch of stuff I would never normally see...especially in Boone. But we walked around there for a while and then eventually made our way back uptown a bit to go to dinner in Little Italy. At this point, i had NO IDEA where we were going to for dinner because he would not tell me... it was surprise, which of COURSE made it even more super exciting! He took me to dinner at this AMAZING restaurant off Mulberry and Grand... YUMM!! From there we headed up town to 66th and Broadway to see Madagascar. CUTE ASS MOVIE. And because it is about Animals from Central Park Zoo, there were a lot of jokes about New York in it, and I didn't get a lot of them, but Conor was there to explain them to me (But we can't all be from the Jersey side of the cesspool, right? ;-))... so it did make it more humorous. After that, we just came back to EC and visited some folks and PASSED OUT... it was a long day...but GREAT. Conor's a good tour guide.

There is nothing like a great date in NYC - a whole different expereice!!!

there happy now, that’s the story ;-P